Saturday, December 27, 2008

Off to Portland (PDX) for another Christmas with Steve's Family

Click Here for more pictures

Woke up this morning only to see our front yard green. There was not enough snow left to make even one snowball. We were off to PDX around 0930. Stopped just outside of Tacoma to meet up with Stephs bo Tony. IMG_3964 He handed us some goodies to take south. There were signs of snow the entire drive down. And not even a flake in the air or on the wet pavement. All in all it was the usual suckkie drive down with lots of traffic and rained all the way. We first stopped off at grandmas to say hi. Then proceeded to Steve and Liz's. They had gone bowling so it gave Anita and I a chance to sit and relax.
DayII  The morning started out as usual. Tommy and Steve up early for coffee and solving some of the worlds problems. Then Tommy got lucky with a little help from Denis Fig in solving the " What the hell happened to the power from the wall sockets in our bedroom". Everyone other than Tommy, Laura, & I think Michael are here at home while the grown ups are off to church. I am comfey here with the big screen tv watching football. Whops every just came home from the chapel.
The rest of the afternoon was spent just hanging. Anita picked up grandma around 5 for dinner/our Christmas/Laura's birthday.DSC_5227

DayIII Heading home. Raining like hell here. Planing on getting out of here fairly early and possibly dropping off Bill's new laptop that Anita picked up for him here in PDX. Made it home. Met Bill in Tacoma and dropped off his New laptop. After a very rainy drive we arived home around 1230 to a warm dry house and lots of wind.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day 2008


Christmas Day 2008 12-25-2008 9-13-24 AM

The snow is almost gone. Although we got some big wet flakes this morning. Now we are packing up to go to Bill and Robin’s for the day with all the DeLeo family less “Much missed Jane & Larry”. The drive to bills was uneventful. Billy had breakfast waiting for us. Then after some serious munching we started opening gifts. DSC_5187 Lots of stuff and lots of laughs. Tommy took a little nap "I think others did at the same time but I will never know" The kids and Robin played monopoly and Billy put the hurker prime rib roast in the oven. Around 6 it was time to have that long anticipated Christmas dinner. It was a success! Soon after dinner Anita and I headed home. I won a little bet with Bill, That I could drive up his road. Sort of surprised myself and I would not have done it. Other than going down a steep snow covered road really scares me. Want to go in snow? get a Rav4

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night.

Check Our Whereabouts

This should give you our present location or our last location when the phone tracking was activated

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Real Snow (Home Adventure)

Click Here For Pictures

Snow @ Christmas 12-18-2008 11-43-56 AM

Finally after waiting years. We got our snow storm. After retiring almost 6 years ago I have been waiting for some major snowfall here on the lake. Now that I do NOT have to be anywhere. No flights to take. In fact NO obligations “Let It Snow” Got up as normal just before 5am, made coffee, started the fireplace fire, & went out to bring in the paper for Anita. There was no sign of snow. Just dark and dry pavement in the driveway. I thought to myself “Oh Damn No predicted snow” Shortly after I got settled in for my morning computer reading I got up to refill my coffee cup and notice a thin dusting on the porch railing. I sort of chuckled to myself thinking” Ya here is our big snow of the year”. Well as you can see from the picture my snow dreams have come true. It’s now 11am and it’s still coming down and I am just waiting for Anita to get suited up so we can go explore the neighbor hood.
Day II: The skies have cleared and now the snow is in full bright. We did get out today to run some errands. Snow @ Christmas 12-19-2008 10-16-14 AM No problem with the streets that were still totally white with compact snow and ice. The Rav4 preformed beyond my expiations. Now the news is predicting the storm from hell starting sometime tomorrow. They are saying the possibilities of 4 to 12 in of snow along with possibly 70mph winds. I had better get out and get some gas for the BBQ incase we loose power and I got to have my coffee. All is fuzzy and cozy at the moment.
DayIII: It’s around 9am and we are getting ready to go out and get the provisions just incase the storm does happen. It’s bright, sunny, & 21 degrees her.
Snow @ Christmas 12-20-2008 8-58-32 AM The cat and flamingo are settled in and ready for anything.
Day IV: Helped Dave Oliver help get the paper boy(man) get his car back on the road and on his way. So we were the ONLY ones in the neighborhood that got our sunday paper as the Seattle Times instructed him to give up on the deliveries down here. Watched the Seahawks WIN their final home game under coach Holgrem. Then went to a impromptu gathering at Dave and Liz Olivers. Started snowing again noon.
Day V: Lots of now somewhat wet snow fell last night and made some more beautiful sights. Snow @ Christmas 12-22-2008 6-23-51 AM We are now getting ready to attempt getting Ginny out the airport for her trip to NC to spend the holiday with her nephew Bill and family

Once Again LET IT SNOWsmile_nerd


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spokane Pre Christmas Visit

Click Here for more pictures

Day I: Got out early this morning 0830. SeaGeg 12-11-2008 9-24-13 AM Headed east stopped in Ellensburg for some $1.63 gas and then headed west south to Sleah do drop of Christmas goodies for Jane and Larry. Jane had some yummy sandwiches and beans to tide us over for the rest of our journey. Adian was there visiting and Rich picked him up and we were back on the road for Spokane. Arrived here around 2:45. It's now almost 10 so I think I will hit the sack.
Day II: Good morning. Woke up to NO snow, But the ground was a sheet of ice. I stepped onto the driveway to retrieve something from the car and immediately started sliding towards the street. Looking aout now all the trees behind the house are covered with thick frost.It's a little later now and yes the snow has begun to fall.GEG Snow 12-12-2008 3-39-27 PM As usal I wait for the snow to come with great anticipation and now that it is here I start wondering how this is going to impact the drive home. Anyway It sure is beautiful and I am planning on a morning surrounded in a winter wonderland.

Snow Lights 12-12-2008 5-53-17 PM

Day III:Christmas 12-13-2008 12-19-29 PM No winter wonder land this morning. It did snow for a bit but only about an inch. As the day progressed it has been getting colder. It was 32 when I came up at 0530 Now it's 4:30p and its 19 degrees. Took some Christmas pictures for Mary and helped her get her Christmas letter going including some pictures. Now Isabel is getting ready to head out for an overnight and we will be getting ready to go out to dinner at the Downriver Grill.
Day IV: Seems fitting its day 5, 5am, and 5 degrees. We are thinking about heading home later this morning. Depending on road conditions. It,s a Go! got out around 10am after filling the tank we were on our way to a beautiful yet uneventful drive. GegSea 12-14-2008 12-33-51 PM The roads were good all the way with spots of ice from Marys to our house. GREAT tripsmile_shades

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving at Bill and Robin's

Thanksgiving  11-27-2008 5-17-29 PM We joined Bill, Robin, Brooke, Adam, & John for a great Thanks giving day. Other than watching the Seahawks get trounced by Dallas. Brooke came in from Boise and John from Pullman. Adam was already hanging at Casa de Key Center.
To see more pictures click HERE.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tom & Billy's wonderfull Advnture

From BOI081121

Day I

Bill arrived at Our house at 0530 as he said. We were on the road at 0545 Stopped in Ellensburg for yet another new time low fill up $1.85/gal Then it was off to Selah for breakfast with Jane via the canyon. Jane put on a great farm breakfast for her  two great brothers. After breakfast and a few laughs it was back on the road to Boise. Great drive sunny, and bright all the way with some  great new scenery for me.. After solving most of mankind's major problems we pulled in to Boise around 4pm. Met up with  Brooke a little after 5 and headed into town for pizza and a visit. It's now about 8:30 and Billy is tucked away in his sleeping bag on the floor and snoring away. Brooke is cleaning up in the kitchen and we are thinking about tomorrows move.
To all a goodnight.
Day II

Brooks Move 11-22-2008 11-23-47 AM Moving day. Got going early. We were at the U-Haul lot around 0830 and started loading up before 9 Loading the truck was a peice of cake thanks to Brooke's prep. We got all the $!%# in the truck our car, Brooke's car and Jason's car. Then cme the BIG job. Unloading and getting the big (heavy) @%$# up the tiny stair case and hall ways. If it had not been for Brook and Jason's friend John there would still be certain items not where they belong. After dropping off  the U-Haul Brooke took us to the Ram for some rest, lunch, and a little entertainment thanks to John. Then it was back to the new digs for some rest.

IMG_3905 Got up early and we went out to breakfast at Goldys. Then said our good bye's and started the trek home. Started out in freezing fog for the first hour. Saw one nasty accident while in the fog. Then the sun came out and it was another beautiful drive. We pulled of in Sleah for some viddles thanks to Jane and wished Uncle Larry  IMG_3910HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Made it home around 6Pm
Had a GREAT road trip with brother Billy

Click HERE for all the pics

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sitting in Spokane while Mary is visiting China

Click HERE for more pictures

Day 1: Arrived here in Spokane yesterday. we had a good drive from Seattle and there were no problems getting settled in Mary's house. I brought a computer to replace Mary,s ailing computer. Forgot one power cord but was able to borrow one from Fran. Now my job is cutout for me. Transferring all the files from the old computer to the new one. The good news it will give me something to do during our visit. 
    IMG_3846 Isabel arrived with Brianna who had been taking care of her for the last couple of days around 6:30PM. It's now about 7AM. and Anita is TRYING to get Isabel ready for school, A new experience for Anita.

  Day 2: was started by sending Isabel off to school,Picking up Clemy from the slammer then finishing off the day with Mexican food at the Mexican restaurant down off Country Homes Blvd.IMG_3847 Home for some Monday night comedy on TV and early to bed. 

    Day 3: Isabel has the day off (Veterans day) and we are mainly hanging out. Its sort of crappy out as it is 37degrees and rainy. Clemy and I are sitting in front of the fireplace while Anita and Isabel are off to the store for some munchies. Today is also the day that Mary is scheduled to be back in the USA. She is suppose to arrive in LAX around 4:30PM Then spend the night in Los Angles as there aint no way you can get back to Spokane that time of day.

  Day 4: Got Isabel off to school. Then took the Rav4 out for a new pair of shoes. Actually I guess that would be two pair. With the new shoes it was off to meet Barbara and Fran Burkhard for lunch and a good visit. IMG_3854 Now comes the best part. Mary is home! Looking quite spry after coming from China. The old gal made it none the worse for wear!!!
  I am sure tomorrow will bring many stories of the China Adventure. Anita and I are both looking forward to that. WELCOME HOME MARY!!!!
Click Here for some of Mary's Pictures

Day 5: Anita took Isabel to school. Mary slept in a bit. Then after a bunch of  morning coffee and catching up with Mary the traveler we decided that Mary would be able to take over so we headed home around noon. All in all it was a interesting but good adventure to the inland empire. It Actually was fun living Mary's Spokane life with Isabel. Even though Isabel was pretty much a piece of cake (thanks to Anita) I could have never done it! And my kudos go to Mary living day in day out raising a kindergartner. 24-7 WOW!!!
PS. we got gas leaving Spokane for $1.93 /gal.  I never thought I would see gas below $3.00

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jane Turns 60 Ouch!

DSC_4844 Made the trek to Selah for a little celebration of a big milestone. Janie turned 60 today. We arrived for lunch. Then after some catching up and watching the Seahawks get trounced we went to dinner at the Olive Garden, It was a fun experience. Then it was back to Sowder Farm's for some cake and gifts. It is now the middle of the night and I am wising I had some alki seltzer, It was not the food just the stupid amount I had. Hopefully I will be able to join the sleeping and get some more rest before Anita makes breakfast for the Birthday girl. It's been a most enjoyable trip to Selah and some good time spent with my now 60 year old sister.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Project Adam

Adams Pond 10-24-2008 4-28-10 PM We went down to Bill and Robin's for yet another fantastic chuk(chicken) BBQ.
  Adam has been expanding his pond which is a good thing as I am sure it gives him a lot of time to ponder about his future while giving him lots of exercise and creating a great water feature on the Key Center estate. I was very impressed with what he has acomplished. I also was impressed with what he has learned by doing. He has engineered ramps to move that heavy mud and water diversions to make his project possible.
  I actually think in a few years when the next generation of DeLeo's / Holman's come to visit grandma and grandpa they will be able go down to Adam's Fish Pond and snag a trout or two as their uncle Adam did when he was young.  Adam The FishermanI only hope that Anita and I will be able to witness this event in person.  Click HERE for more Pictures
   Good Job Adam!

Looks Like it will be off to Sowder Farms next weekend to help Jane turning 60 on the 3rd. DeleoKids0001 It's so hard to imagine my little sister reaching this point in time. Damn that must mean I am getting older also. "Na NO WAY!" 
Well the fall weather has been and is predicted to stay spectacular thru out the week.So I had better sign off for now. See you from Selah next week.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Long Beach day III


One Last picture of the gang preparing to say our good by's. We started the day by just hanging around, taking a last morning walk on the beach, having a great Billy pancake breakfast, And yes cleaning up the digs and packing up our goodies for the trek home. Jane and larry were the first to head out. So now we all had time to talk about them behind their backs. Shortly there after Anita and I and Bill and Robin hit the road. We left Barbara and Everett there to wait for the last load of wash to be unloaded. I wonder what those alone at last honeymooners  did while the close were drying?  Bill and Rob beat us home by 10 min and Jane and Larry arrived home over an hr later, but they stopped for munchies. And who knows the Chun,s may still be there.
  Now a full day later and a few phone conversations between the parties. It's official EVERYONE HAD A GREAT TIME!! Well my bag is 10min from being packed and I am ready to roll on yet another adventure. 
click HERE for more pictures

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Long Beach Birthday Gathering day II

DSC_4767 After a good nights sleep I scurried out to catch sunrise. After a few shots and some quiet moments on the beach another great day began. DSC_4797 Returned to the rental for breakfast prepared by Anita. After getting all our ducks in a row it was off to the south end of the peninsula to checkout the Lewis and Clark interpretive center and look out over where the Columbia river meets the Pacific oceanDSC_4774
After getting back it was time to prepare dinner. A salmon brought from Alaska by John. Billy and Larry did the BBQ and the party began.
Another perfect day.DSC_4789

Long Beach Birthday Gathering day I

Headed out to Long Beach Washington early Friday morning for a gartering of the DeLeo /Chun calan for a get together to celebrate Jane and Robin's 60th birthday. Had a great drive. No traffic and after our turn off just beyond Olympia new roads to explore Also prior to our turnoff we checked out Cabalas sporting goods store which was an adventure in itself. After doddering along the way we arrived first at the rental house. I think it was beyond all our expectations. Shortly there after Billy and Robin arrived followed by Everett and Barbara then Larry and Jane. Longbeach 10-10-2008 4-49-03 PM All the provisions were brought in we bundled up and it was off across the dunes to great walk on the beach.Longbeach 10-10-2008 4-48-38 PM I believe Long Beach is the longest continuous beach on the west coast some 22 miles of flat sand very cool. After not near enough time on the beach it was back to the digs for munchies,tear jerking laughs and dinnerLongbeach 10-10-2008 7-37-29 PM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Good morning and I do mean morning here in HNL. We had a 0315 pickup at the hotel this morning in order to  make a 0659 departure to the mainland. I am writing this from the aircraft seat 6a and b I guess life is good here in the friendly skies. These days in air travel friendly is about all that is left. Had a good trip across the pond. Things got a little scary in SFO as the load on the trip to SEA filled up. Our luck not only held out but we got FC and had the pleasure of Kathryn Flanagan as our Purser. So now we zooming home,
  All in all this was a great trip and to top it off. I am watching My name is Earl on flt video.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hello again Life is GOOD again this morning a lobby full of hot coffee and a gentle island breeze flowing thru the lobby. Its 6am here and the day is just breaking. IMG_3769 Just had to put this silly picture in just to show I can be at home here also . Today we are planning to have breakfast with an old flying friend Phil Yee who is still flying out of Chicago and is here on a layover. Then it's off to the other side of the island for the doings at Pam's. This should be a real experience. We are riding over with Lynn and Gordon. I am sure I will have good pictures, Which reminds me I had better charge the battery in my camera for safety sake. Till later Living LARGE in HNL. Met Phil and had a great breakfast and visit at the beach next to Chucks steak house. We then off for a swim at Wikiki beach. Thanks to Anita we did the swim at the beach each day.
  After freshening up it was off to the other side of the island for the big bbq at the farm/ranch. My vote is for ranch IMG_3806 Things were unbelievable even the horses looked like they were freshly polished. IMG_3791 Had a great catered bbq by a local restaurant. Headed back to Wikiki for some serious packing due to our getup for our pickup

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hnl day II

IMG_3748 Hey honey do you think we both can fit on this baby? After taking a walk to "Eggs & Things" only to find out they are out of business. We came back to the hotel and checked out a couple scooter rentals. That was a brief idea now it looks like the beach is next on our agenda.
  Did the beach. The water was unusually warm and the activity was amazing as always. Jim Schuler's birthday bash was pretty amazing also Schuler dinner 10-4-2008 9-43-07 PM"No stops there" The food and beverages flowed  like the market went up 2000 points.
  Thanks to our wonderfull friends Jim and Bet the evening was a total successSchuler dinner 10-5-2008 1-06-06 AM.

Tomarrow is the big Hawaiian casual party at Jim's daughter Pam's what is sometimes called farm or ranch depending on who you are talking to.  We are really looking forward to that part of this adventure in paradise. Good night all. (actually I am sitting in the lobby of the Seaside hotel having fresh coffee and finishing up today/yesterdays post.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Jim Schuler's 70th Birthday Bash


 Click HERE for more pictures

SEASFO 10-3-2008 8-43-58 AMOff to Honolulu to help celebrate Jim Schulers 70th Birthday Bash. Got out of the house at 0400 (like the old days) Shot right on the 0600 flt from SEA/SFO f/c. After a short layover in SFO we boarded the flt to HNL Anita in F/C and me in good old coach which is great for me as I have my little laptop and I am happy as a clam and a Happy wife is a happy Tommy. IMG_3733 Got my $$$ for a fabulous snack. Things just don't get much better. Wow I just got my full meal deal. Brooke & Jason would really get a big laugh out of this I just got a turkey wrap (pinwheel) but damn am hungry. Wonder what Anita is dining on up front?
    Hey turkey wraps are not that bad (when you are starved)
  Made it to the hotel, Let the games begin.IMG_3744

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 5 Diamond Lake shutdown

Back in Spokane. Cabin 9-20-2008 1-20-34 PM (Small)Went to Diamond lake to put the cabin to bed for the winter. My favorite thing go down in the crawl space to shut off and drain the water. The day was perfect for the job not too hot and it was unbelievably quiet at the lake. We had lunch at the cabin and then it was back to Mary's for some BBQ chicken. Tomorrow after a little brunch I think we will head back to Seattle.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 4 Flathead lake to Spokane

Got up to catch sunrise over Flathead lake. Not very spectacular but it was sunrise. IMG_3687 Once again had a good breakfast at the lodge. Headed out around 9am heading back to Spokane. Stopped at a few small lakes along the way also at a hot springs resort. After a couple of hours of great scenery DSC_4685 and super highway speeds we stopped in Couer D' Alene where we took in a classic wooden boat show and scored on some munchies. DSC_4695 Then it was off to Spokane and a evening at Chez Frey and BBQ burgers. Tomorrow (Sat) we will head up to the cabin at Diamond lake and prepare the cabin for the winter.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 3 Anaconda to Flathead Lake

DSC_4661 Sunrise at Fairmont  hot springs. Headed into Anaconda in search of old haunts and memories. Had a good breakfast then DSC_4665 visited Anitas old digs. After checking the town out we headed north to Flathead lake. Damn that is one big lake! Had a good dinner DSC_4668 and stayed at the Best Western hotel in Poulson on the lakeDSC_4676