Sunday, August 31, 2008

Play Date With Hesse

Hesse Wireing 8-31-2008 2-20-03 PM Hesse Wireing 8-31-2008 2-26-11 PM Hesse Wireing 8-31-2008 2-25-35 PM

Spent the morning with Bob Hesse doing a little wiring. Other than standing atop a 24ft ladder in my bare feet working with 120 volts it was great getting a little time in with my old pal Bob Hesse. Hey what are friends forfingerscrossed


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Off to WSU & Spokane

SkyDiveJohn 8-22-2008 2-18-19 AM Look at the time! I am late more pictures to follow. John and Adam make the BIG leap. Click HERE for more jump shots.
Adam and John spent the night at our house and we were off to WSU bright and early around 8:30 Had a great drive all of us taking turns driving and stopping for coffee, munchies,ect along the way. We arrived at WSU around 2:30. Unloaded the car and checked out John's digs. Then it was of to a driving and walking tour of the campus. The place was alive with everyone trying to get settled in to their new digs and getting reacquainted. After checking the place out we drove into Pullman and had dinner, Dropped John off and then it was off to Spokane for the weekend at Mary's to help celebrate
her Birthday. IMG_3580 Click Here for more pictures.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

John and Adam Back from Alaska

The boys made it back from the summer in Alaska picking up fish in SouthEastern. Both boys looked great. John looking like a young Amish boyJohnReturnd 8-20-2008 8-12-30 PM sporting his new (beard). Adam brought down some fresh king crab and some halibut. And John brought a couple of red salmon. We picked Bill up at the airport and proceeded to Key Center for a seafood feast. And a feast it was. Great seeing everybody and WELCOME Home boys.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Make my day

DSC_4538 Summer is drawing to an end. But what more could I ask for? Here it is 5:45 am,68 degrees, A hot cup of fresh coffee and a new day breaking before my eyes. Yes life does not get much better than this. Sitting here on the deck watching the early skiers trying to catch the first run of the day on flat water and the ducks getting into position for the day. The usual heron checking the shoreline for breakfast or maybe like myself just enjoying  life.
It is suppose to be a hot one today. Probably the low 90's "Too damn HOT!" I often thin on mornings like this I only wish this time of day could go on all day. My time of day.
No life does not get much better than this.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Behymer's Stop By

Jerry and Jerilee Behymer arrived the evening of the 11th on their way back home to Ca. from their Cordova visit. Sounded like the trip was a great success. DSCN1545 Great weather and everyone their Cordova family are all in good health and spirits. 
Yesterday we had a good morning starting with lots of coffee on the deck. Behymers 8-12-2008 9-56-04 AM Then took a drive up to Snoqualmi Falls  and Cascade golf course for a little look see. Came home and had some Dim Sum and salad in the yard and after a quick game of cards it was off to the airport for our goodbyes Behymers 8-12-2008 12-25-24 PM

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Virginia Lacy Visit 2008

CDV Mom A fine morning a fine friend and a fine breakfast. Virginia came to spend a couple nights as always her company is great. Other than the house looking like a war zone due to the painting project.The visit is going great.
After a day of checking out the local fare with Anita. Like Whole Foods, Bellevue botanical gardens and a number of other stops we sat down to a wonderful evening on the deck and enjoyed Anita's shrimp boil and lots of visitingVirginia Dinner 8-7-2008 6-02-46 PM