Friday, January 23, 2009

Game Weekend 2009

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Morning Meeting 005
Day I: Its Friday morning and we are packing up for the anticipated infamous Game Weekend. Sponsored by Steve and Liz Zimmer. The Whole bunch should be attending. The inserted picture was taken during the 2004 event. Fun was had by all.
Let the Games Begin!

We picked up Mary at the Portland airport and arrived at Steve and Liz's around 330. It is now after a great dinner and now people are getting ready to play a game or two.
Day II:  Picture 005Today started  out by someone sleeping in my favorite chair. This presented the perfect chance to check out Starbucks gold card. Now I am sitting in Starbucks enjoying my morning putering and Hot coffee. Life is GOOD!! It is starting to show daylight so I had better pack up my puter gear and head back and score on some free coffee.
Back in the land of Chaos and Fun. I arrived home to find almost everyone in the living room solving world problems "My speciality" I joined in till I drove all away with my sage advice. Now it's after noon and  the ladies are playing games, the Zim boys are off to grandma's house for cookies and beer. I have snuck off for a little one on one time with my trusty computer. All is well in the world now. Things should start poppin here soon as we have a date at crab feed this evening at the Lake Oswego golf and country club. After that who knows, But I expect to hear the loud sounds of a couple more Zimmer game encounters.
Havin fun! tommy
Day III: After a great crab feed along with great music at the club It was off to chez Zim for Anita, Mary and myself. Bed time for this bozo. This morning as usual I was up early and ready to go. Ah my new hangouut Starbucks for coffee and putering was instore. Got up got dressed and looked outside only to find snow. Well here I sit in my favorite chair doing my morning putering and having my coffee at chez Zim. Today agenda should include Breakfast, Church,  followed by games and dinner including grandma Zimmer.  Game Weekend 1-25-2009 5-21-09 PM
Day IV: Heading home. Did not make it past 9pm. Once again I snuck out early this morning to score on some Starbucks and WIFI in order not to disturb the sleepers. Hey they can sleep in. After all they stay up way past my bed time. Steve stopped by Starbucks this morning to say good bye. Well this place is all of a sudden getting very busy. So I had better head back up the mountain and see if anyone is up.
Every one was off to the airport around noon. Anita and I dropped Mary off at PDX on our way back home. Great drive. home around 4pm.

Thanks Everyone for another GREAT Game weekend!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Water is Rising

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HighWater 1-8-2009 9-03-26 AM It's Jan 8th and the news is full of reports of major flooding all around western Washington. Our situation here on lake Sammamish is. Yesterday the dock was about 6 to 8 inches out of the Water. It's now almost 5am and the dock has disappeared.
0800 got out and sent some debris down the lake for others to enjoysmile_devil
Now Jan 9th and the water is still coming up. About 8in since yesterday morning. I have marked and am watching the level and the weather forecast. If it is still coming upHighWater 1-9-2009 9-20-17 AM or there are any high winds forecast I will have to put the boat on stilts. A beautiful day today except for the wind coming out of the east. So I can not send the debris that is floting over the garden on its way down the lake.

HighWater 1-12-2009 8-33-39 AM Jan 12 Looks like this round is over. The lake has gone down about 4in since it’s high. Now I can only wait for mother natures next event. As always. Enjoying life on the lake. Tommy