Saturday, July 9, 2011

McAdams return from Scotland / 26th birthday celebration

From AdamPics

July 8th: Headed back down to Bills to see Adam. Who is home from Scotland to obtain  a work visa and head back to his new found life. Also we celebrated a belated birthday. Adam turned 26 on the 28th of June while at Fiendhorn. Now he is recouping from his broken leg and trying to score on a work visa so he can return to his loves. John drove in from Yakima to join us. All in all it was a great evening

4th of July weekend

Thur June 30: Off to Spokane for a visit and a little time at Diamond lake. On the way over Anita and I hiked to the top of the wild horses monument out of Vantage. Upon arrival at Mary’s Isabel and I went for a long walk. Got in 12 miles this day and Isabel was still jumping and running ahead all the way.

Fri Jul 01: Headed to Diamond Lake. Tom and Isabel took off a little earlier than Anita and Mary. Got to the lake and jumped into the kayaks for a quick paddle on the lake. Then it was off for a walk Turned in another 12 mi day. Isabel was showing signs of weakening. and by the end of that day she ran out of gas. FINALLY I out walked an 8 year old. 

Sat Jul 02: Started the day with a long walk alone. Followed up by a long kayak ride. Spent the rest of the day just hanging out and visiting neighbors and a BBQ. Turned in 15 miles that day. A new record for me. 

Sun Jul 03: Woke up went for a walk  and a kayak ride. Then more or less started getting ready for our drive home.

4th of July: Home Now this morning even tommy walkalottie was out of gas but managed to put in my morning walk. Then in the afternoon it was off to brother Bill’s for his annual 4th of July celebration. The usal Key Center crowd was there with one surprise guest. Virginia Lacy from Cordova. Made it home a little after midnight.