Wednesday, November 3, 2010

GEG Selah Jane’s Birthday & Stuff

Its off to Spokane via Selah for Jane’s Birthday.SmileSmile with tongue out


Had Day I: GREAT!! drive over. With the low light on a totally clear day the sights were outstanding. Nothing but color and contrast. I saw so many things that I have never noticed in the countless trips across Snoqualmie pass. Did dinner with Larry and Jane at the Olive Garden for Jane’s birthday.

Day II: Up at 0500 to catch the sunrise. It’s now 0715 and the sun is just starting to say “Good Morning Tommy”  After some breakfast and a walk around the spread. We were off to Spokane. Arrived around 2:30. The drive was sunny and bright but not as beautiful as the day before.

Day III: It’s around 6am. And everyone is still sacked out.

Day IV: FOOTBALL Saturday!! DawgsSad smile 

Day V: I was dreading the drive west. 287mi of rain and traffic! We got off around 10 or soThats All Floks. And much to our surprise. The drive wasHot smile (sunny) all the way to the pass. Where we picked up a little Storm cloud . We took a side trip at Vantage. And ended up in Ellensburg. Never knew that road existed. It took us thru all the windmills in the Wild Horse electric wind farm. Also happened upon some beautiful Donkeys. Yes beautiful! The road continued thru the town of Kititas. I never knew there was such a place. Anyway it was a great find and well worth the time off I-90. Made it home to see the Seahawk's make their only touchdown in their drubbing by New York Steaming mad