Sunday, April 24, 2011

Better Late than Never Apr. 23rd


The First Baby Ducks showed up 3 days late on April 23rd. Actually it was also the first day in April that topped 60 degrees. WELCOME SpringHot smile

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wait Can it be? A Spring Day

TwinFalls 4-22-2011 12-03-23 PM TwinFalls 4-22-2011 12-02-59 PM
Tommy at Twin Falls Anita at Twin Falls

WOW! We just had our first spring day. It was so nice for a change while Anita was stretching out at yoga I went for a three mile walk. When we got home it was off to Twin Falls just out side of North Bend. We took of for what was a beautiful  4.2mi hike to the falls. Maybe a little more up and down than we bargained for, But it was more than worth the effort.
  I am still glancing out the window frequently waiting for the first baby duck sighting. They normally show on April 20th like clock work. I am thinking this colder than normal weather may have something to do with their late arrival. I am still waiting for them to show and unfortunatly so are the eagles. Anyway it’s been a great day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just a little update

Weowna Park 4-18-2011 2-05-27 PM Weowna Park 4-18-2011 2-07-15 PM
Tommy  Weowna Park Hike Anita

Well its been quite a while since my last post. Since then I had a little bypass procedure and have been on the mend ever since. It’s been six weeks since the procedure and I am feeling great! I have been walking every day since and now do two to five miles per day. Every day get’s easier and I am really looking forward to May 31st. That’s when I can resume doing what I want. Hopefully a little walk on my hands. Or at least an Air Chair ride. Weather permitting. Speaking of which the weather here is the definition of sucky. This has been the coldest April on record . In fact it’s now the 19th and there are reports of snow flurries in the area. “That’s Just WRONG” Although the birght side is it keeps me from wishing I could do this or that while my breast bone is healing.
Anyway All is well.