Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spot oh Spot!! Where Are You??

It's once again spring. But wait! Someone's missing. Spot the man of the house. The bird house that is. This is the first year in about four years that Spot has not appeared to stake his claim outside our window. There seems to be a new master of Spot Arms. Maybe one of his many offspring. Anyway the new residence family of spot Arms are now busy at work feathering their new home.
Screwy Towhee Also this year we have a deranged towhee that has been trying to hook up with our mirrored window. He has been banging "no pun intended" for the last week or so. Anita tried covering the window but he worked his way inside the covering in order to continue his spring quest. The good news is he starts his ritual as it get light out and is an reliable alarm clock.
Well I better go find a good mirror.

Update: After reading up on towhees I think I will drop my quest for the perfect mirror. Seems all this mirror/window action is due to the fact. He is defending his territory. Not trying to mate with himself. Oh Well. Just thought I would save you all from a personal mirror quest.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Palm Springs


Day I:Tue. Off to an early start. Getting a ride to the airport with Ann D. We are traveling on Alaska Airlines. Arrived a few min early and had good flight down. After a stop at Costco we headed to our digs for a couple of days at Steve and Liz’s home in Ironwood. Very impressive! Today we just veged out. They have a tangerine, tangelo, orange, and a lemon tree in the yard. Check out the size of the lemons!! All the trees are full of ready to eat sweet jucy fruit. Now I see why people hang out in this part of the country. Especially in winter.

Day II:DSC_8052

    This has got to be the proper way to start your day. With fresh picked fruit out of the yard on a well manicured golf course. It could almost me want to take up golf. NOT! Just kidding “golf is a good game”. The plans for the day looks like some hiking is in store.
Did the hike thing to the top of one of the local hills. The weather was perfect for the hike and other than being in no shape at all it was a good hike that took about an hr and a half. This evening we met up with a couple of friends whom I went to high school. The have a mega motor home and spend the winter here in Palm Springs. Now it’s off to the sack to dream about what adventures tomorrow will bring.

Day III:DSC_8105_6_7_tonemappedToday was spent mostly hanging around the compound enjoying the sun and a few walks. Then in the evening there was a little gathering at Chez Zim

Day IV: Today should be interesting. We are starting out by going to visit our friends and check out their home on wheels. Then off to a tour of the area with Steve and Jeff Foot. This afternoon it’s off to a art fair then we will be meeting up with more of clan zim at our niece’s Jackie Guy.
  Crittervill 3-12-2010 11-42-26 AM We made it to Rittervill USA (our friends Dave & Kathy) It was greate seeing them and what life is all about in the mobile home world. We made it to the art fair. Very impressive. It was real art with lots of good and cleaver art. After the fair it was of to Guy’s for dinner with the Guy family. All in all it was another Great day here in the land of sun and old people.

Day V: As normal our day starts around 0600. Today we will be moving to Virginia Browns for the duration of our Desert Adventure. Made it Virginias around noon. From there we just cursed the street of downtown Palm Springs. As always it was very interesting. Sort of an older version of cruising of yesteryear. An eclectic mix of motorcycles generally ridden by old guys, A few classic cars and small mix of today's exotic cars. Then there is the sidewalk cruisers “the three of us included” Every thing from the old old would be movie stars to kids adorned with tats and pricings.
We ended up the evening by dinner at one of the local hang outs.

Day VI: It’s Sunday morning and we are lazing around doing coffee and making plans for today’s adventures.
Joshua Park 3-14-2010 1-02-36 PM_7 PM_7_tonemapped Today we decided to head up to Joshua Tree Park. As always it was breathtaking and as on our last visit it was cold and windy Mega Windy! It’s really wired to look out of the car and see nothing but cactus, rocks and desert that looks like it must be 120 out there. And then have to grab your coat. All in all it was a great trip and well worth it. When we got home we went to the St Pat’s Day celebration in Virginia’s complex.

Day VII: After a good nights sleep and a good breakfast al’a Anita we were off for yet another hike. This hike was actually up behind Chez Zim. It was a good hike with lots of blooming cactus and not too damn steep trails. After the hike we stopped by to see Liz and pick up something Anita forgot.  On the way home I spotted a Smart car that I had been eyeing  and decided to call the number in the window. I met up IMG_4670with the owner and took it for a little spin. But I think I will pass. Although it was absolutely like new and the price seemed right and It would not fit under the seat on Alaska airlines. “Jury is still out”

Day VIII: Preparing for our ride home. Actually we made it out for one last hike up behind Palm Springs. We ran out of time so were unable to do the complete loop. Came home for a shower and packed up for our 1:00 Alaska airline flight home. The loads really looked scary, But somehow we made it on and scored on some good seats together. We are now home unpacking and resupplying our suitcases for our next adventure.