Friday, May 6, 2011

John’s WSU Graduation

Johns WSU Graduation 5-7-2011 9-44-59 AMThursday May 5th (Cinco da Mayo) I zoomed home from exercise class and Anita had the car loaded and pointed East. Made it to Chez Frey around 3:55pm. Ok drive. We did suffer from a few highway projects. Good Night

Friday Going to Burkards for some breakfast. Then it will be off to WSU to visit the graduate before heading to Lewiston for our nights lodging.

Made it to WSU and had lunch and a nice walk with John. Then off to Lewiston ID. for a good nights rest. First thing in the morning it was back on the road back to Pullman for the big day. The ceremony was great and I think the only one in the place prouder of John were mom and dad. It is hard to believe that he has graduated from collage with honors (as you can see from all the decorations on his robe. Now its off to Yakima for a summer internship at GE Aviation. Then come Sep he will be off to Michigan to work on his masters degree. WOW! Way to go John!!